Li, S. S.*, Zeng, H. K., & Lo, S. Y. (2022). Young adults’ intentions toward the prevention of microplastic pollution in Taiwan: Examining personality and information processing in fear-appeal communication. Sustainability, 14(21), 14336. (SSCI Journal) (IF: 3.889. Ranking at 44.5% in Environmental Studies.)
Li, S. S.*, Lo, S. Y., Wu, T. Y., & Chen, T. L. (2022). Information seeking and processing during the outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan: Examining the effects of emotions and informational subjective norms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SSCI Journal) (IF: 4.614. Ranking at 24.7% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health.).
Li, S. S.*, Wu, T. Y., Zeng, H. K., & Lo, S. Y. (2022). Channels adopted for information seeking during COVID-19: Comparing social media with news media and interpersonal communication in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SSCI Journal) (IF: 4.614. Ranking at 24.7% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health.).
Lo, S., Li, S. S. (李秀珠), & Wu, T. Y. (forthcoming). Exploring psychological factors for COVID-19 vaccination intention in Taiwan. Vaccines (SSCI Journal)
Huang, L. M. & Li, S. S. (李秀珠) (2020). Managing the gender dilemma as yin-yang balancing: The dynamic interplay of communal and agentic bargaining behaviors of senior female negotiators. China Media Research, 16 (4), 1-19.
Li, S. S. (李秀珠) & Huang, L. M. (2020). Fear appeals, information processing, and behavioral intentions toward climate change”. Asian Journal of Communication. DOI: (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (李秀珠) (2020). Lifestyles, technology clustering, and the adoption of over-the-top television and Internet protocol television in Taiwan. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1-19. (SSCI Journal)
Li, S. S. (李秀珠), Lu, P. C., & Chen, S. C. (2020). Emotions in fear appeals: Examining college students’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward colorectal cancer prevention in Taiwan. Health Education Journal, 79(5), 569-582. (SSCI Journal). DOI: 10.1177/0017896919891749
Li, S. S. (2019).Competing for audiences’ time: Comparing science news with health news and political news. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (SSCI Journal).
Li, S. S. (2019). Lifestyles and gratifications obtained from news: Comparing science news with health news and political news. Public Understanding of Science (SSCI Journal). (2018年Impact Factor:3.789,88本 Communication Journals排名第13名,8%)
Li, S. S., Ku, L. L., & Chen, Y. S. (2018). A niche analysis of three interpersonal communication media: Examining the competition among Facebook, Line, and email. Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI Journal). Doi:10.1080/17544750.2018.1482934
Li, S. S., Liu, Y. C., & Lee, C. Y. (2017). New media, market competition, and media diversity: An examination of Taiwan’s terrestrial TV market from 1986 to 2002. In K. Xue and M. Yu (eds.), New Media and Chinese Society (pp. 11-32). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Li, S. S. (2017). Television media old and new: A niche analysis of OTT, IPTV, and digital cable in Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics, 34, 1024-1037. (SSCI Journal). (2017年Impact Factor:3.789,88本 Information Journals排名第10名,4%)
Li, S. S. (2017). Replacement or complement: A niche analysis on Yahoo news, television news, and electronic news. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (4), 261-273.(SSCI Journal) (2017年Impact Factor:3.789,88本 Information Journals排名第10名,4%)
Li, S. S. & Huang, W. C. (2016). Lifestyles, innovation attributes, and teachers’ adoption of game-based learning: Comparing non-adopters with early adopters, adopters and likely adopters in Taiwan. Computer & Education, 96, 29-41(SSCI Journal) (2016年Impact Factor:3.819,235本 Education Journals排名7名,3%)
Li, S. S. (2015). Lifestyles and the adoption of information vs. entertainment technologies: An examination on the adoption of six new technologies in Taiwan. New Media & Society, 17(10),1696-1714. DOI: 10.1177/1461444814531874 (SSCI Journal) (2015年Impact Factor:3.11,79本 Communication Journals排名第2名,025%)
Li, S. S. (2014). Fear appeals and college students’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward global warming. Journal of Environmental Education, 45(4), 243-257.(SSCI Journal) DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2014.930399 (2014年Impact Factor:0.548,224本 Education Journals排名第152名,9%)
Li, S. S. (2014). Adoption of three new types of computers in Taiwan: Tablet PCs, netbooks, and smart phones. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 243-251. (SSCI Journal)(2014年Impact Factor:2.694,129本 Psychology Journals排名第20名,5%)
Li, S. S. (2014). Digital television adoption: Comparing the adoption of digital terrestrial television with the adoption of digital cable in Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics, 31, 126-136. (SSCI Journal) (2014年Impact Factor:1.120,84本 Information Journals排名第30名,36%)
Li, S. S. (2013). Lifestyle orientations and the adoption of Internet-related technologies in Taiwan. Telecommunications Policy, 37, 639-650. (SSCI Journal)(2013年Impact Factor:1.128,74本 Communication Journals排名第26名,35%)
Li, S. S., Ku, L. L., & Liu, Y. L. (2013). Using Rogers’ diffusion of innovation model to examine the willingness to pay for public television in Taiwan. International Journal on Media Management.15(2), 99-118.
Li, S. S., Huang, L. M., & Liu, Y. C. (2011). Communication and group performance: Comparing CMC with FTF decision-making groups in Taiwan (38-57). In Yearwood, J. & Stranieri, A. (Eds.), Technologies for supporting reasoning communities and collaborative decision making: Collaborative approaches. IGI Global Publishers: Pennsylvania, USA.