康乃迪克大學傳播系體保生課輔老師( Tutor for student athletes in Department of Communication),2012-2013
美國AEJMC 2018年年會傳播科技組(CTEC Division)教師論文競賽亞軍
美國Journalism& Mass Communication Quarterly期刊2017年最佳論文評審服務
Lee,Y.-I., Hsu, Y.-C., Phua, J., Wu, T.-Y., & Hachman, S. (2024). Encouraging positive dialog toward COVID-19 vaccines on social media using hope appeals, celebrity types, and emoticons. Mass Communication and Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2024.2324872
Zeng, H.-K., Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. J. (2023). Check the report and comments: The veracity assessment of unfamiliar news on social media. Digital Journalism, 11(1), 161-180. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2022.2079541
Li, S. C. S., Lo, S. Y., Wu, T.-Y., & Chen, T. L. (2022). Information seeking and processing during the outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan: Examining the effects of emotions and informational subjective norms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9532. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159532
Li, S. C. S., Wu, T.-Y., Zeng, H. K., & Lo, S. Y. (2022). Channels adopted for information seeking during COVID-19: Comparing social media with news media and interpersonal communication in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9321. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159321
Wu, T.-Y. (2021). Proactive opinion expression avoidance about same-sex marriage on social media: Acceptance, reactance, and self-censorship. Mass Communication and Society, 24(6), 918-942. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2021.1905848
Yang, D., Wu, T.-Y., Atkin, D. J., Ríos, D. I., & Liu, Y. (2021). Social media portrait-editing intentions: Comparisons between Chinese and American female college students. Telematics and Informatics, 65, 101714. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2021.101714
Xu, X., Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin D. J. (2021). Effects of website credibility and brand trust on responses to online behavioral advertising. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 32-57. https://doi.org/10.51548/joctec-2021-009
Lo, S.-Y., Li, S. C. S., & Wu, T.-Y. (2021). Exploring psychological factors for COVID-19 vaccination intention in Taiwan. Vaccines, 9(7), 764. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9070764
Wu, T.-Y., Xu, X., & Atkin, D. (2020). The alternatives to being silent: Exploring opinion expression avoidance strategies for discussing politics on Facebook. Internet Research, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-06-2018-0284
Wu, T.-Y., Oeldorf-Hirsch, A., & Atkin, D. (2020). A click is worth a thousand words: Probing the predictors of using click speech for online opinion expression. International Journal of Communication, 14, 2687–2706.
Lee, Y.-I., Phua, J., & Wu, T.-Y. (2020). Marketing a health Brand on Facebook: Effects of reaction icons and user comments on brand attitude, trust, purchase intention, and eWOM intention. Health Marketing Quarterly, 37(2), 138–154. https://doi.org/10.1080/07359683.2020.1754049
Peng, C.-T., Wu, T.-Y., Chen, Y., & Atkin, D. (2019). Comparing and modeling via social media: The social influences of fitspiration on male Instagram users’ work out intention. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 156-167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.05.011
Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2018). To comment or not to comment: Examining the influences of anonymity and social support on one’s willingness to express in online news discussions. New Media & Society, 20(12),4512-4532. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444818776629
Wu, T.-Y., & Lin, C.A. (2017). Predicting the effects of eWOM and online brand messaging: Source trust, bandwagon effect and innovation adoption factors. Telematics and Informatics, 34(2), 470-480. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2016.08.001
Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2017). Online news discussions: Exploring the role of user personality and motivations for posting comments on news. Journalism& Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1), 61-80. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077699016655754
Wu, T.-Y., Chen, S.-T., Atkin, D., Lo, S.-Y., & Li, S. C. S. (2024, August). Exploring the determinants and effects of social media influencer authenticity in product endorsement. Paper presented at the 107th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Philadelphia, PA.
Wang, C.-L., Wu, T.-Y., & Tseng, Y.-C. (2024, July). The “Ghost”busters: Using implicit theories of relationships and gain-loss framing for anti-ghosting persuasion on dating apps. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Association of Computer-Human Interaction (TAICHI 2024), Tainan, Taiwan.
Wu, T.-Y., Zeng, H.-K., Lin, W.-H., & Atkin, D. (2023, August). Predicting the effects of online health information processing on successful aging: A communicative ecology perspective. Paper presented at the 106th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Lee, Y.-I., Hsu, Y.-C., Phua, J., & Wu, T.-Y. (2023, May). Modality vs. bandwagon cues in vaccine communication on social media: Effects of hope, celebrity images, and reaction icons on attitudinal and behavioral engagement. Paper will be presented at the 73rd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Lee, Y.-I., Hsu, Y.-C., Phua, J., Wu, T.-Y., & Hachman, S. (2022, August). How do hope appeal, celebrity types, and emoticons encourage positive dialog toward COVID-19 vaccines?. Paper presented at the 105 th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Detroit, MI.
Yang, D., Atkin, D., Rios, D., Wu, T.-Y., & Liu, Y. (2021, May). Social media selfie/portrait-editing motivations: Comparisons between Chinese and American female college students. Paper presented at the 71st annual (virtual) conference of the International Communication Association (ICA).
Zeng, H.-K., Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2020, August). Fake news or alternative facts? Veracity assessment of the content and comments of unfamiliar news. Paper will be presented at the 103rd annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)—converted from San Francisco, CA to virtual due to COVID-19.
Wu, T.-Y. (2020, May). Proactive opinion expression avoidance about same-sex marriage on social media: Acceptance, reactance, and self-censorship. Paper presented at the 70th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)–converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19.
Peng, C.-T., Wu, T.-Y., Chen, Y., & Atkin, D. (2019, May). Comparing and modeling: Verifying the social influences of fitspiration on male Instagram users’ workout intention. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D. C.
Xu, X., Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2019, March). Effects of perceived agency of tracking, brand trust and website credibility on privacy concerns toward online behavioral advertising. Paper presented at the 2019 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Wu, T.-Y., Xu, X., & Atkin, D. (2018, August). The Alternatives to being silent: Exploring the opinion expression avoidance strategies for discussing politics on Facebook (2nd place winner in CTEC faculty paper competition). Paper presented at the 101st annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D. C.
Radin, M., Rainear, A. M., Wu., T.-Y., Xu, X. & Atkin, D. (2017, October). Environmental attitudes impact on environmental conceptions and perceived potency of Recycling Terms. Poster Presentation at the 56th New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Newton, MA.
Wu, T.-Y., Oeldorf-Hirsch, A., & Atkin, D. (2017, August). No comments, but a thumbs-down: Estimating the effects of spiral of silence on online opinion expression. Paper presented at the 100th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2017, May). Exploring the predictors of the spiral of silence in online news discussions. Paper presented at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, CA.
Lee, Y.-I, Phua, J, & Wu, T.-Y. (2017, May). Advertising a health product brand on Facebook: The effects of valence of reaction icons and brand post comments on brand attitude, trust, purchase intention and eWoM intention. Paper presented at 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, CA.
Chen, H., & Wu, T.-Y. (2017, April). Factors predicting the Internet adoption worldwide: A longitudinal analysis between 2000 and 2013. Paper presented at the 87th annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA), Greenville, SC.
Wu, T.-Y., & Lin, C. A. (2016, August). Assessing the influence of eWOM and online brand messages on consumer decision-making: Source trust, bandwagon effect and innovation adoption factors. Paper poster presented at the 99th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis, MN.
Wu, T.-Y., & Lin, C. A. (2015, August). The effects of online consumer reviews on brand evaluation, attitude and purchase Intent. Paper poster presented at the 98th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, CA.
Wu, T.-Y., & Atkin, D. (2015, May). Online news comments: Exploring the role of user personality, self-efficacy, and motivations. Paper presented at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, PR.