Lin, J-H, Bowman, N., Lin, S-F.,&Chen, Y-S.(2019). Setting the digital stage: Defining game streaming as an entertainment experience. Entertainment Computing, 31, 1-8
Sarrina Li, S. C., Ku, L. L., & Sam Chen, Y. S. (2018). A niche analysis of three interpersonal media: examining the competition among Facebook, Line, and e-mail. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(4), 419-436.
Chen Yen-Shen (2016). The new aspect of mood management theory applied on motion-game experience: reviewing the effect of emotion arousal and excitation. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 29:45-77
Lai Wei, Chen Yansheng (2015). Not just listening to the radio: the experienceof social interaction between broadcasting and social media convergence. Broadcastand TV, 38, 1-33. ( in press )
Lee, S-Y, Chen, Yen-Shen, & Harmon, M (2016). Reality TV, materialism, and associated consequences: An exploration of the influences of enjoyment and social comparison on reality TV’s cultivation effects. The Atlantic Journal of Communication, 24 : 4, 228-241.
Li S-Y, Chen Yen-Shen (2015). The Reappearance and Myth of Love and Gender Roles in Idol Plays: Take the interaction of male and female protagonists in Taiwanese idol dramas as an example. Chinese Communication Journal. (28:155-194 )
Lin, H. F., Yeo, B., & Chen, Yen-Shen. (2013). Mobilizing location based advertising: A study of effectiveness on persuasion. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(6), 15-29.
Arpan, L. M., Bae B., Yen-Shen Chen, & Greene, G. H. (2011). Perceptions of Bias in Political Content in Late Night Comedy Programs. Electronic News, 5(158), 158-173.
【Conference Papers】(After 2009)
Chen, Yen-Shen (2020). The Entertaining but Unreal Presentation of Herb Medicine and Alternative Medical Doctors in East-Asia. The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2020) Kyoto Research Park | Wednesday, November 11, 2020 to Saturday, November 14, 2020.
Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina; Chen, Yen-Shen (2017) : Non-adopters of Social Media: Comparing their Lifestyles, Perceived Innovation Attributes, an Sociodemographic Attributes with All-adopters, Partial-adopters, and Minimum-adopters, 14th International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 24-27 June, 2017
Li, Shu-Chu; Chen, Yen-Shen; Ku, Linlin (2017) : A Niche Analysis of Three Interpersonal Communication Technologies: Examining the Competition among Facebook, Line, and Email, 14th International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference: “Mapping ICT into Transformation for the Next Information Society”, Kyoto, Japan, 24-27 June, 2017
Chen, Yen-Shen. (2016). Mobile games and social media corporation: Line games in Taiwan. 13th International Telecommunications Society ITS 2016 Biennial conference, in Taipei on June 26-June 29, 2016.
Chen Yansheng (2014). Good mood and fun: emotional motivation and online video game use, enjoyment and game addiction. 2014 China Communication Society Annual Meeting, Special Symposium: “Taiwan Communication Survey Database”, Second Achievement Sharing – Taiwanese Media Use, Taipei, June 26
Li Suyue, Chen Yansheng (2014). The Reappearance and Myth of Love and Gender Roles in Idol Plays: Take the interaction of male and female protagonists in Taiwanese idol dramas as an example. 2014 China Communication Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, June 27
Yu Jing, Chen Yansheng (2014). Adapting the experience of repeated reading between cross-texts: starting from a shifting point of view. 2014 China Communication Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, June 27
Huang Yingwen, Chen Yansheng (2014). Putting in marketing under the online viewing trend: the dual view of entertainment and advertising. 2014 Communication and Technology Symposium, Hsinchu, October 16-17
Chen Yansheng (2014). “I” and “others” in the warming issue: the impact of personal perception on the credibility, resistance and third-party effectiveness of global warming messages. 2014 Taiwan Science and Technology Research Society 6th Annual Meeting, Hsinchu, March 22
Chen Yansheng (2013). Entertainment media-oriented public environmental issues and humorous appeals: laughter and effective persuasion effect? 2013 Taiwan Information Society Paper Seminar, Hsinchu, November 08
Lai Wei, Chen Yansheng (2013). The effects of broadcast listening and community media use on the proposed social interaction. 2013 Communication and Technology Symposium, Hsinchu, October 24.
Lee, SY, Chen, YS, & Harmon, M. (2013). Reality TV, Materialism, and Associated Consequences: An Exploration of the Influences of Enjoyment and Social Comparison on Reality TV’s Cultivation Effects • Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism And Mass Communication, Aug 8-11,Washington, DC.
Chen, Y-S. (2013). Old games in the video game industry? The market structure and cultural commodity of video games. Paper presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research, June 26-29, Dublin, Ireland.
Chen, Y-S. (2013). Moral violations in drama and moral values in mind: the morality presented in a Taiwanese soap opera. Paper presented at Broadcast Education Association, Research Symposium, April 7, Las vegas, NV.
Lin, H. F., Yeo, B., & Chen, Y.S. (2013). Mobilizing Location Based Advertising: A Study of Effectiveness on Persuasion. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, USA.
Si Bozhen, Chen Yansheng (2012) Who is fighting against me? The study of the effect of virtual and real opponents on the effects of violent video games.2012 China Communications Society Annual Meeting, Taichung, July 6-8.
Chen Yansheng (2012). The effect of emotional agitation and game violence on emotional management and enjoyment: Take the use of somatosensory video games as an example. 2012 China Communications Society Annual Meeting, Taichung, July6-8.
Chen Yansheng (2011). The research on the effectiveness of online information on global warming issues and cognitive design. 2011 Communication and Technology Symposium, Hsinchu, October 13-14.
Chen Yansheng (2011). The more you feel, the more fun you have. Take the phenomenon of Kinect and Wii video games as an example. 2011 Communication and Technology Symposium, Hsinchu, October 13-14.
Chen, YS., (2011).Mood management and highly interactive video games: Examining emotion change in relation to arousal, involvement and enjoyment.Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,Aug 10-13. San Louis, MO .
Chen, Y-S., (2010). Rethinking mood management theory: the issues of definitions and measure about mood and emotion. Paper presented at International Communication Association conference, June, 2010. Singapore.
Chen, YS., & Raney, AA (2009). Mood Management and Highly Interactive Video Games: An Experimental Examination of Wii Playing on Mood Change and Enjoyment.Paper presented at International Communication Association conference, May,2009. Chicago, IL. ( Top papers of ICA, game studies section.)
Arpan, LM, Bae, BJ, & Chen, YS. (2009). Does humor attenuate hostility? A comparison of hostile media perceptions of news and late night comedy. Paper presented at International Communication Association conference, May, 2009.Chicago, IL .
Chen, Y-S. (2009). Crossing gamers’ borders: The diffusion of Nintendo Wii.Paper presented at the 2009 Dialogues Graduate Student Program, March, 2009,Tallahassee, FL.
Chen, Y-S. (2008). We play Wii: A study of Wii playing Behaviors in a Taiwanese group. Proposal presented at the 20th Southeast Evaluation Conference, March, 2008, Tallahassee, FL.
Chen, Y-S., Gau, L., & Korzenny, F. (2007). The effects of the Internet and Electronic Games on the Ethnic Identity and Self-expression of young Adults. Paper presented at the 2007 Association of Internet Research C
【Research Projects】
103-104 Moral Sense, Positive Psychology and Entertainment Media: A Study of Positive Media Effects in Taiwan Drama; Project Host; Ministry of Science and Technology
101-102 Jiaotong University Center Project, Sub-project: Global Climate Anomalies and Serious Games (Total Paintings for New Technologies, Media Technology Messages, and Citizenship: Reviewing New Technologies and Media Message Design and Citizen Global Warming Knowledge Acquisition Relevance);sub-project host; Jiaotong University
100 Featured Research Project: Taiwan New Immigrant Women and Media Drama Research; Sub project Host; Jiaotong University’s Top University Program
100-103 Global Warming Issues Network Information Information Effectiveness and Cognitive Flexibility Design Research; Sub project Host; National Science Council
100 Interactive video game use and emotional management effects research;project host; National Science Council
101-102 “Question Question Group [Communication Survey Database]”member; Ministry of Science and Technology