Ph.D. in Instructional System Technology / IST,Indiana University-Bloomington
【Courses Taught】
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Multimedia Message Design
Evaluation, Introduction to Interactive Media Design
【Research Area】
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
User Experience Design & Research
Cognitive Psychology
Multimedia Design and Production
Associate Director, Aug. 2021 ~ present Center for Institutional Research and Data Analysis, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Associate Professor, 2008 ~ current Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, 2003 ~ 2008 Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, 2001 ~ 2003 Dept. of Communication National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Chairman, 2013 ~2016 Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Coordinator, 2017 ~ current Motion Picture Maker Space and Co-creation Workshop Center for Teaching and Learning Development National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Workshop / Tutorial Chairman, 2018 2018 TAICHI International Conference
Executive Chairman, 2011 of 2011 Interaction Experience Design & Digital Archive Service / Application International Conference, Taipei.
Director, 2003 ~ current Interaction Media Laboratory, Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Director, 2003~2004 Center for Digital Content Production, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Editorial Board, 2003 ~ 2012
Editorial Board, 2006 ~ 2012 TechTrends Journal
Review Committee, 2002 ~ current Interacting with Computers (SCI / SSCI)
Review Committee, 2002 ~ current International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (SCI / SSCI)
Review Committee, 2001 ~ current American Society for Information Science and Technology (SCI / SSCI)
Member, 2012 ~ current Advanced Interface Group, SIG of Joyful Learning & Society, Discipline of Information Education Ministry of Science and Technology
Member, 2016 ~ current Taiwan CHI Organization
Member, 2012 ~ current ACM SIGCHI
2012-2013 Senior Research Fulbright Grant
2012-2013 National Science Council technical personnel research (a year)
Lee, J. (in press). An Exploration of the Factors Affecting Users’ Performances in a Desktop 3D Virtual Space: Cognitive Ability,Landmark, Resource Distribution of Working Memory, and Spatial Knowledge.Journal of Human-Computer Studies. (SSCI, SCI)
Yen, Y. M., & Lee, J. (2018). A study of the relationship between social context, sticker interpretation and social presence in LINE. Research of Educational Communication and Technology (119).
Lee, J. (2014). The Factors Affecting Perceived Play ability of Hardcore and Casual Players in Online Role-Playing Games. Journal of Information Management(TSSCI), 21(4). MOST 98-2511-S-009-004-MY2.
Lee, J., & Boling, E. (2008). Information conveying approaches andcognitive styles of mental modeling in a hypermedia-based learning environment.Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(3),001-018. (SSCI, SCI, EI) (Impect factor: 1.555)
Lee, J. (2007). The effects of visual metaphor and cognitive style for mental modeling in a hypermedia-based environment. Interacting with Computers, 19,614-629 (SSCI, SCI, EI) (Impect factor: 0.833)
Zhang Tianfeng, Li Junde (Min 97). The influence of landmark-assisted and path-finding strategies on spatial knowledge in 3D virtual environments.Journal of Information Management, Vol. 15, No. 3. (TSSCI)
Zhou Qianru and Li Junde (Min 97). Interactive storytelling and mythical online role-playing games: story plots, roles, and interactive behavioral research.Chinese Journal of Communication, No. 14. (TSSCI)
Huang Yuchen, Li Junde (2007). The e-commerce system affects the design factors that make trust. Information Society Research, No. 13, pp. 125-166.
Li Junde (Min 95). Serious game play in the design of learning technology concept: play ability and usability perspective. Teaching and Technology Media,No. 75, pp. 18-37.
Li Junde (Nation 91). Discussion on Human-Computer Interface Design Factors:Human Factors and Information Structure, Teaching and Technology Media, No. 58,pp. 34-43.
【Conference Papers】(After 2009)
Lee,J., & Wun, M. Y. (2022). Exploring the Interaction Design Elements to Support Online Co-creation Activities: From the Facilitator’s Perspectives. 13th 2022 International Conference on Applied Human Factorsand Ergonomics, New York, US.
Lee, J. (2018). Exploring the Impacts of Field of View on 3D Game Experiences and Task Performances. 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, London.
Wun, M. Y., Lee, J. (2018). An analysis study of a participatory design workshop: From the perspectives of communication Strategies and tools. 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, London.
Lee, J., Chang, N. C., Chang, C. C., Tong, I., & Liao, P. Y. (2018). User experience design communication model and gamification application. TAICHI2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Chang, C. C., & Lee, J. (2018). A study of the cool hunting card in boardgame design. TAICHI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Tong, I., & Lee, J. (2018). The application of integrating culture probetool and gamification design. TAICHI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Liao, P. Y., & Lee, J. (2018). Visualization of the design tool in theco-design workshop: Persona. TAICHI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Hsu, H. C., & Lee, J. (2018). The Impacts of Navigability and Modality on Media Credibility and Technology Trust in the Picture-Based Social Media. HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, US.
Lee, J., & Chung, Y. J. (2017). An Exploration Study of Travel Experience in a Reality Game-based Environment: Travel Style and Perceived Value. HCI International 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Chang, Y. C., & Lee, J. (2016, Jul). The Impact of Social Context and Personality toward the Usage of Stickers in LINE. Human-Computer Interaction International 2016 / HCII 2016, Toronto, Canada.
Duh, BL, Lee, J., Rau, PL, & Chen, M. Q (2016, Jul). The Management Model Development of User Experience Design in Organization – A Case Study for Taiwan Technology Industry. Human-Computer Interaction International 2016 / HCII 2016,Toronto, Canada.
Lee, J., & Wun, MY (2016, Jul). The Effect of Game Challenges to Players’Perceived Types of Game Fun and Degrees of Difficulty in Augmented Reality Game.. Human-Computer Interaction International 2016 / HCII 2016, Toronto,Canada.
Lee, J. (2015, Jul). The Effect of Field of View in 3D Simulation Games on Players’Gaming Experiences and Task Performances. 2015 European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom.
Jiunde Lee (2014, Nov). An exploration study of gaming motivations, challenge types in affecting players’ problem-solving procedures in a game-based AR Environment. 2014 International Symposium on Interaction design and Human Factors (2014 IDHF), Kochi, Japan . MOST 103-2511-S-009-001.
Lee, J. (2013, Aug). A Study of Developing Auditory Icons for Mobile Phone Service Applications in Taiwan Region. Mobile HCI 2013, Munich, Gernany.
Jiunde Lee (2013, Feb). An Exploratory Study of the FrontPage Emotional Design for Online Music Sites.. The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions. ACHI 2013, Nice, France.
Lee, J., and Lin, J. (2012, Jul). A sociability study of Facebook games: The perspectives of group member roles and interpersonal relationship types.. The 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics , San Francisco, US .
Lee, J. (2014). From Problem to Design.Taipei: Academic and Social Promotions and Applications of Digital Archives and e-Learning Project (ISBN: 978-986- 03-7663-0).
Lo,SH, Hung, CL, Hsu, CW, & Lee, J. (2013). Practice, Theory, Rethinking:Citizen Digital Archives. Taipei: Academic and Social Promotions and Applications of Digital Archives and e-Learning Project (ISBN:978-986-03-7701-9)
【Research Projects】
104-107 Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs”Cloud Service and Massive Data Industry Development Project – User Experience Standardization Study”, Project Host
103-104 Ministry of Science and Technology Special Research Project”Affecting the Impact of Reality Games on Knowledge Construction and Problem Solving Process” (MOST 103-2511-S-009-011-), Project Host
100-102 National Science Council Special Research Project “Impact of Different Motivation Players and Game Character Types in Problem Solving Performance and Knowledge Formation in Different Game Task Types” (NSC100-2511-S-009 -003 -MY2) ( Biennial), project host
100-101 National Science and Technology Digital Content Collection Project Item4: Academic and Social Application Promotion Plan for Digital Collection and Learning “Digital Collection Promotion and Use of Interface Improvement and Social Impact” (NSC 96-2422-H-194 -001) (five-year period), co-host
99-100 National Classification of National Digital Representation Project of the National Science Council: The Academic and Social Application Promotion Plan for Digital Collection and Learning “Digital Collection Promotion and Use of Interface Improvement and Social Impact” (NSC 96-2422-H-194 -001)(five-year period), project host
98-100 National Science and Technology Research Project “Exploration of Factors Affecting Player Problem Solving in Game Environment: Player Motivation, Task Type, and Emotion” (NSC 98-2511-S-009 -004 -MY2) Biennial), project host
97-98 National Science Council Special Research Project “Discussion on Factors Affecting Users’ Pathfinding Performance in Desktop 3D Virtual Space:Cognitive Ability, Landmark Interface, Cognitive Resource Allocation, and Spatial Knowledge” (NSC 97-2511-S- 009 -003), Project Host
97-99 National Science and Technology Digital Content Collection Project Item4: Academic and Social Application Promotion Project for Digital Collection and Learning “Digital Collection Promotion and Use of Interface Improvement and Social Impact” (NSC 96-2422-H-194 -001) (five-year period), project host
96-98 National Science Council Integrated Project “Digital Learning for Situational Scientific Problem Solving: Cognition, Emotion, and Problem Solving Ability” (three-year period), co-host
【Domestic and International Journal Work】
2002-present Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (SSCI)
2004-present, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (SSCI), ReviewBoard
2006-present, China Communication Journal (TSSCI), Review Committee
2003-present, Journal of Information Management (TSSCI), Review Committee