Ph. D. in Computer Science, National Chung Cheng University
【Courses Taught】
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Communication Research
Motion Capture and Future Interaction Technology Research
Topical Seminar in Communication Technologies
【Research Area】
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality
Human-Computer Interaction
Computational Visual Cognition and Artificial Intelligence
Senior Engineer, Industrial Technology Research Institute 2017-2022
Engineer, Industrial Technology Research Institute 2013-2017
F.-S. Hsu, Method and System for Motion Prediction, United States Patent No,: US 11 ,403,768 B2, Aug. 2, 2022
F.-S. Hsu, T.-M. Wang, Motion Tracking System and Thereof, United States Patent No,: US 11,164,321 B2, Nov. 2, 2021
【Journal Publications】(After 2009)
Hsu, F.-S., Wang, T.-M., & Chen, L.-H. (2023). Robust vision-based glove pose estimation for both hands in virtual reality. Virtual Reality, in press.
Hsu, F.-S., & Lin, W.-Y. (2014). A multimedia presentation system using a 3D gesture interface in museums. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 69(1), 53-77.
Hsu, F.-S., Lin, W.-Y., & Tsai, T.-W. (2014). Facial expression recognition using bag of distances. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 73(1), 309-326.
Lin, C.-H., Hsu, F.-S.*, & Lin, W.-Y. (2010). Recognizing human actions using NWFE-based histogram vectors. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010(1), 453064. ( *corresponding author)
【Conference Papers】(After 2009)
Hsu, F.-S., Lin, W.-Y., & Tsai, T.-W. (2013). Automatic facial expression recognition for affective computing based on bag of distances. IEEE APSIPAASC, Taiwan.
Lin, W.-Y., Hung, J.-F., & Hsu, F.-S. (2013). Model-based human motion capture using a Time-of-Flight camera. CVGIP, Taiwan.
Hsu, F.-S., & Lin, W.-Y. (2012). Human-oriented interaction with a TOF sensor. 2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES), Malaysia. (selected paper to IEEE Xplore)
Hsu, F.-S., Lin, C.-H., & Lin, W.-Y. (2011). Recognizing human actions using curvature estimation and NWFE-based histogram vectors. 2011 Visual Communications and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP), Taiwan.
Hsu, F.-S., Lin, W.-Y., You, G.-N., Tsai, T.-W., & Huang, H.-M. (2010). U-Garden: An interactive control system for multimodal presentation in museum. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME), Singapore. (acceptance rate: 0.3)
Lin, C.-H., Hsu, F.-S., & Lin, W.-Y. (2010). Efficient human action recognition using nonparametric weighted feature extraction. IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP), Taiwan.
Research Projects
“ The Full Body Tracking Technology for Next Generation Mixed Reality,” funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC 111-2222-E-A49-008 and NSTC 112-2221-E-A49-129).